[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


25th January 2010


Is There a Thing Called `Fate'?

Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own minds.

Franklin D.Roosevelt, , Pan American Day address, April 15, 1939
32nd president of US (1882 - 1945)


We hear people say that they are not lucky and it is their destiny to suffer etc. They also say the same thing with respect to others. They say that others are lucky to have got what they have  got in life! Is there a thing called fate and luck? Is it possible to have a life style directed purely by human effort not at all affected by luck or fortune?


Perhaps many of  us misunderstand the inter play between luck and effort. It is true that some times in spite of our hard and dedicated efforts, we do not get the desired result. It is also true that somebody  gets a result which is far disproportionate to their effort level. It may also happen to us. When such things happen we call it luck, and we may also be right from this point of view.


Just think if the following statements could be true?

  • It is lucky to be born in a particular family or environment. The converse is also true: it is unlucky to be born in a poor environment.
  • It is lucky to be present at a particular context of time. For example to be present at a place when the industry is booming and we have the relevant skill. Contrast this with the situation when we are having the requisite skill, but there is no scope for using the same.
  • It is lucky that our efforts are supplemented by favourable external factors so that the rewards are enhanced.
  • It is unlucky when some external situation affects our result even though we have done our best. For example, we are struck by tsunami or floods which are totally outside our control. Or tsunami strikes at a time we are not there!


You will agree with me that such instances are exceptions and they do not occur every day. When we talk about luck or fate, we only talk about these exceptions.


I want you to think about this dimension of luck and fate. Once you have thought about it, consider this statement: the probability of success is more through efforts than through luck or fate!


Perhaps there is some truth in this statement.


N C Sridharan

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