[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


7th October 2010

Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.

Carl Jung

In life or career, the higher up you rise, you will have to deal with more of people issues than with technical issues. We have to be more mature and understand people better as we go up in our career. A tree which has withstood mare storms is the strongest tree it becomes more valuable to the society. So is a man who goes through more problems in life.

There are a lot of colleges and educational institutions to teach technical subjects. But there is only one university in the entire world to teach people management skills. It is the biggest of any university you have known and it is the oldest university known to mankind. There is no fee or admission test to enter this university. There is no convocation or degree conferred for passing examinations in this university. The number of professors and teachers in this university is infinity and no other university in the world has such a diverse set of teachers. There is no classrooms in this university and no blackboard. No attendance and no written exam in this university. This university has the maximum number of students enrolled every year. In fact you become a student the day you are born and continue as a student till the last day of your life.

You have correctly guessed, it is the University called `Life'!

Everyday we live in this world is an experience and every irritation and problem we face teach us and makes us mature. When someone irritates you and gives you a problem, by all means get angry. But at the end of the day, list at least one thing you learnt about yourself from the experience.

Get into the habit of writing a journal or diary ever day and document all your daily learning. You will be surprised about your own understanding about yourself.

N C Sridharan



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