[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!



25th October 2010

Small is the number of people who see with their eyes and think with their minds.

~ Albert Einstein


If only we can be clear about two subsystems coexisting in us, most of our life's problems will be solved. They are the brain system and the mind system. I don't mind repeating it again. Brain is different and the mind is different. The drain functioning does not guarantee the mind function. You may see but not notice; you may speak but not communicate; you may hear but not listen; you may taste but not enjoy; you may feel but not experience!

Let me give another example. A camera also sees and a tape recorder hears. They are mechanical devices. A camera can `see' a hoarding on which is written `cigarette smoking is injurious to health' and register it on the film, but it does not mean anything to the camera. Similarly if your eyes read the same message without the mind understanding the implication of the message to your life, then it becomes a mere brain function just like a camera. Similarly someone advices you how to give up smoking and you merely give your ears and not your mind, it's something like a tape recorder recording the message with minute details. But if you mind does not attach the importance the message deserver, what is the use?

Day in day out we do come across a lot of information. Some of them may point to an opportunity and some others may warn about an impending threat. But if we do not think about the same and contextualize the same to our life, what's the use?

Very few people engage their mind and brain. They not only see, but also think. What about you?

N C Sridharan



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