[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


28th October 2010

"One of the greatest gifts you can give to anyone is the gift of attention."

 Jim Rohn

One of the most enviable gifts the human race has the power to communicate. This is not available to the non human beings. We can communicate and hence we can relate with each other. We can connect with each other. We can influence people. We can build rapport. We can build emotional bonds with people.

In order to do all this, we need to understand the quality of our communication. We don't communicate only through words. There are a lot of other factors which affect the quality of our communication. One such factor is the attention we give to others when they interact with us. Next time when you are communicating with others, notice how attentive they are to what you say. Notice their eye contact. Notice how they understand they connect with you. Similarly, check with people who can give frank feedback how you fair on the same parameter.

You can also understand this from a broader perspective. When someone is communicating with you, how do you keep their attention? Are you one of those who believe that to remain attentive is the responsibility of the other person? Next time when you watch a television commercial notice how the message is communicated so that your full attention is on the advertisement. Notice the facial expression of the model. Keep this mind when you communicate. What is the quality of your facial expression?

Become conscious of what all you do when someone is communicating with you, like meddling with the paper weight, sending an sms, telephoning, munching something etc. How will you feel if you were to be the person receiving it? Won't you feel insulted and upset? Won't you expect some basic courtesy and etiquette from the other person when you are talking to him?

With this input read the above quotation again and appreciate the value of the same in building interpersonal relationship!

N C Sridharan



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