[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


8th October 2010

"There is only one you for all time. Fearlessly be yourself."

Anthony Rapp


In my time management and leadership development programmes I discuss an important criterion for success called `skill set' or `skill inventory'. We need some basic fundamental skills to lead a successful life. Come of the skills are very survival skills. The most important of all the skills is the ability to be outspoken and frank. We should believe that we have the right to our own views and opinions which could be completely different from that of others.

We are all created equally by the Almighty in terms of our biology and physiology. But we don't grow up identically. We undergo experiences which are unique to ourselves. The place where we grow up and the way we are brought up by our parents will influence our attitude and our thinking process. Our education will be different and the society we live will also be different.

We have to believe that after all we live in a society where there are also others who are unique in their own way. We should also believe that we need the help and goodwill of others to realise our goals. In fact the higher our goals the more people we need to support and cooperate with us. In this context inter personal relationship assumes a very great importance.

We need to be fearless in expressing our views and while communicating with others. We have to dissent with others who may express a view point which may not be what we believe.

However, we should know how to be fearless and how to be assertive. It's like driving an automobile. We should not only know how to drive, but also how to drive in the right way so that we not only have our way but also allow others their right of way!

N C Sridharan



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