[Time-Management] Ignited Chiled!


5th October 2010

`When one child can do something, any child can learn to do the same thing'

The whole concept of NLP is about duplicating human excellence. For everything you want to do, there has always been someone who has done it. The key word in this presupposition is `learn'. Our willingness to learn the success strategy from those who have succeeded is very important.

Duplicating human excellence is difference from duplicating the behaviour of a person. Merely duplicating behaviour may yield a very limited outcome, but the result will not be consistent.

Children should be encouraged to read the biographies of legends and made to believe that they can also repeat the same performance. Have you heard the story of a boy who met John F Kennedy in the White House? The boy was asked what was his dream and the boy replied that he wanted to become the President of United States and that boy was no other than Bill Clinton in his school days!

As applied to a classroom situation, the teachers could discuss the success strategy of an excellent performer and make it a case study for other children to emulate. In fact the whole concept of NLP came with the simple idea that excellence can be duplicated. If you take business management programmes, case studies of excellent organisations are discussed threadbare so that the same can be duplicated. When the Japanese succeeded with quality circles and customer delight programmes, all the organisations duplicated the Japanese practices.

It will be a good idea for the teachers to discuss the reading practices of excellent students. A student with the best handwriting can be taken and the students can discuss what did he do to improve his handwriting so well.

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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