[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


29th October 2010

"Emphasize everything and you emphasize nothing."

Herschell Gordon Lewis

Without focus nothing can be done. Focus is our ability to apply all our attention on one thing at a time. The quality of focus will decide the quality of our work. The difference between achieving great thing and achieving just ordinary thing is the concentration that we bring into what we have undertaken to do.

At the same time, we should accept that we are living in a world of opportunities and the scope to do achieve is really infinity. The number of products and services is ever increasing as hitherto not seen. The human mind and the human brain collaborate so much that the scope for achievement knows no bounds.

At the same time, we also have to do with the scarcest of all scarce resources – time. The time is limited and will not accommodate everything we want to do. In fact time passes faster than we realise. Time is passing with or without our being aware of it. Within the limited period of time, we have to manage all that we want to do. Many times I used to wonder how some people achieved great things in their life. I also used to wonder how people at very high places manage their time pursuing bigger things in their life. Take the example of the President of United States or the CEO of very large organisations. How do they manage such large responsibilities?

The secret can be summed up in one principle: Do one thing at a time! They have mastered the ability to say `no' to demands on their time which they cannot accept. They know the Pareto principle of vital few and trivial many, which states that 80% of everything we do will only produce 20% percent of results. However an intelligent person will know how to conserve all his time and concentrate all his attention on the vital 20% of the most vital things in life which will make a very big difference.

Over this weekend just think:

·         Do you want to do everything yourself?

·         Do you want to please everybody?

·         Do you want to pursue every idea that crosses your mind?

·         Do you expect everyday to be a perfect day?

If the answer to these questions is `yes', don't!

N C Sridharan



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