[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


21stOctober 2010

Perceptual Position

The whole concept of NLP is about building a mutually respectful and lasting relationship between people. Unless we respect each other, we will not have the rapport required to work as a team. The most important team in life is the family. The team spirit between the parents and the children is very important to reach the well formed outcome.

If you really think for a while, each family has a well formed outcome. The parents want the children to do well in their life. The children also want their parents to be happy. But some families, it remains as a wish or a dream only. When the members of the family want to implement the dream, they come across lack of cooperation and support.

In order to achieve the overall objectives of the family, we need to place ourselves in the shoes of the other members of the family instead of looking at life only from our own narrow perspective and point of view.

In NLP parlance, we call it as perceptual position. It is nothing but the concept of empathy expanded a little bit more.

There are three positions – self, other and observer. If we understand these three perceptual positions and look at the issue, our thought process will change and we will be able to understand why a child behaves in a particular way and what we can do to change the same. NLP is not about changing others. It is also about changing ourselves. A basic understanding of perceptual position will give us the maturity of mind of not only understanding others, but also be flexible in our own approach.

Becoming inquisitive to know more about perceptual position? Continue to read...

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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