[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


19th October 2010

"Winners are people with a definite purpose in life."

 -- Denis Waitley

The key word in the above quotation is `definite'. All of us have some purpose in life, but the question is how serious are we to pursue the same. In our life we get an idea and we want to convert that idea into some goal. We evolve a strategy and action plan to reach the goal. In the process we may succeed, or we may come across problems. At every point of time in our struggle to reach our goal, we have an option to give up our goal.

Winners differ from losers in their obsession to succeed in spite of tough challenges. Take the case of Helen Keller. Who would have believed that a person with such multiple handicaps could succeed? Take the mindset of Helen Keller's teacher Annie Sullivan, who was determined to make Helen Keller evolve as a wonder fighting all her handicaps. What other example do you want to explain what is definite purpose? Or take the example of Mahatma Gandhi fighting the British through non violence and ahimsa. Or Beethoven composing a music even though deaf, or John Milton writing even though blind. Think about John F Kennedy with a definite purpose of putting a man on the moon or Martin Luther King who dreamed that a day will come when children will not be evaluated by the colour of their skill but by the content of their character.

Think: Do you have a purpose? If so, how definite are you to realise the same?

N C Sridharan



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