[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


27th October 2010

"You will know that forgiveness has begun when you recall those who hurt you and feel the power to wish them well."

Lewis B. Smedes

`The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong'

Mahatma Gandhi

Sometimes I used to feel angry and annoyed when someone hurts my feeling, more so those whom I love most. Sometimes hurt and abuse may come from the most unexpected people. There are times when you get abused for no reason. Many times you may be let down at a time when you want support. When these things happen to me I used to feel upset and angry. Because I am a human being, I spend sleepless nights when people I loved most let me down.

But when I read the above quotation of Mahatma Gandhi, I realize how weak they are and how strong I can become! I have decided to be become even stronger by forgiving those who will continue to hurt me, for this is the only way I can mature myself.

I want to begin my forgiveness by recalling all those who hurt my feelings, and I now understand why they hurt me – they are weak and not as strong as I am. I want to send my prayer to heal them, since I know that they also suffered while they did what they did to me.

I cannot choose a better day than today to forgive all my people, since today is my birthday! I know this is the best birthday gift I can give myself, since I feel very light after I have forgiven all. Of course, it is also an unique birthday gift to my friends and my loved ones!

N C Sridharan



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