[Time-Management] 'Ignited Child'


6th October 2010

`The mind and body are part of the same system'.

Next time you go to a school how the children run when the school bell goes in the evening. They cannot wait. They will run like a bullet train! See them when they come to the class the next day, and you will see their energy level! This NLP presupposition explains why and where we display our full talent. All of us have talent, but mere talent is not going to produce the result. Our mind should be sold that we should bring out our best.

Next time when you see your child is doing his homework in a subject which he loves most, observe his body posture and involvement. Also notice the same when he does the homework in a subject which he does not like. You will notice a difference.

Also do one more thing. Take two class work notebooks of your son, one subject which he likes most and another which he does not like at all. Notice the quality of the handwriting, the thickness of the letters, the spelling mistakes, etc. Also notice the difference in the upkeep of the notebook. You will find some difference.

Also notice the facial expression of the students in the classroom of a teacher who is pleasant and wears a smile in the face. Next go to the class of a teacher who is grim and conveys a serious look and notice the facial expression of the students.

Teachers should remember that teaching and learning are two different things. Teaching is what the teacher does, and learning is how the students respond to what is taught mentally. Hearing is also different from listening. While hearing is a brain driven function, listening is a mind assisted process. The students may be physically present but mentally absent.

NLP has a variety of techniques and processes to integrate the mind and the body which we will be seeing as  we go on this newletters.

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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