[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


26th October 2010

`Context – the fourth dimension'

I do hope that you are noticing a link in this series of newsletter on how to get the maximum from a child who has already all the resources required to achieve anything he or she wants. The whole thing is about how we manage our mind and that of the child. Unless the mind is programmed to perform in a particular pattern, no change in behaviour will be permanent. For programming the mind, we have been discussing various concepts and how we can use language to format the mind just like how a computer hard disc is formatted. If the computer hard disc is not formatted, it will not accept any software, and hence any input we give to the computer will not be processed and hence there will be no output.

The basic concept of NLP is so simple!

The computer metaphor is very useful to understand the functioning of the human mind. Just think when the owner of a computer will format the hard disc to accommodate a new programme? When will he upgrade a computer? When will he change the configuration of his computer? He should understand that the context in which he wants to use the computer has changed and that unless he changes the same, he will become outdated and useless. He should understand that his old processer is not anymore matching the demand necessitated by the market place.

This is the context factor.

The context factor is very relevant to the human system also. Lets say that we want a child to get up one hour early to prepare for the Board exam or you want your child to practice handwriting for an thirty minutes a day. If you think for a while you will appreciate that these new behaviour patterns are not a pleasant experience and any change is painful. Under the present mindset, the child will resist change.

However, if you make the child to understand in what context getting up one hour early or practicing handwriting for thirty minutes is relevant to his life, he will appreciate the importance of the new change.

Very simple, isn't?

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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