[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


19th October 2010

                                                               `Ignited Child'

`When what you are doing is not working, do something else, do anything else'

NLP is about bringing about a mindset change in a non-manipulative way.  When we want to bring about a change, there will be resistance.  In fact, resistance and indiscipline are natural. There is always a resistance force and a frictional force.  We need efforts to overcome the resistance and keep moving by neutralising the frictional force.  It is a simple law of physics.

If you think for a while, indiscipline is also natural.  Trees do not grow in a straight line and rivers do not flow in a perfect geometrical shape. It is up to us to direct the growth of a tree or the flow of a river.  This principle applies to the formation of human behaviour and habits also. The children may not like it, but they have to fall into an effective behavioural pattern. Of course, they will resist and we have to deal with the resistance appropriately.

Children are naturally inclined to do what they want.  They may not be naturally inclined to switch off the TV. They will not be willing to stop playing and concentrate on studies.  We have to take specific and focused efforts.  NLP believes that we have to be flexible in our process to get what we want.  When we do something and we do not get the results, we have to keep trying and do something else until we get the result we wanted.  The easiest way is to resort to blaming, complaining, criticizing, avoiding and labelling others is non-cooperative. But the most effective way is to change our way of communication until the results are achieved.

If you continue to do what you have been doing, you will continue to get what you have been getting. If you want something different, do something different.




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