[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


1st October 2010

`The Map is Not the Territory'

This is a very powerful presupposition. We have certain impressions and opinions in our mind. We consider them to be true and interpret all our experiences that we go through in our life. Let us compare this with a map of a territory we want to explore. If we read the map, it gives some information about the territory. We may not know is the information contained are true and correct representation of the actual territory. Once we believe them to be true, then all our actions follow automatically.

For example for thousands of years people believed that the world was flat until Galileo questioned the belief. As long as believed that the world was flat, all our actions and plans would have naturally flowed from this belief. Once we started believing that the opposite is true, don't we change our course of action?

We try to understand children and we understand them in a particular way, based on our limited interactions and observations. We may be right or wrong. But as long as we honestly believe that we are right, we will not change the actions that follow our belief system.

Here's an example from a classroom.

A first standard teacher wrote a note in the school diary of a child asking the mother to meet her the next day. The anxious mother asked the child what `mischief' the child did in the classroom for the teacher to call her to the school. The child denied having done any mischief. The angry parent punished the child by canning. The child came crying to the teacher the next day sincerely asking what mischief she did for the teacher to call the parent! It turned out that the teacher actually called the parent to convey her appreciation for the wonderful performance of the child in the classroom!

After all `the map is not the territory'! In the mental map of the parent, the only reason why she was called to the school was for a possible mischief by her child!

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


1st October 2010

Success is nothing more than being consistent in fundamentals.

The key word is `consistent'. If you really list the key qualities of a successful person, it will appear to be nothing but sheer common sense. They will be consistent is come basic fundamental things. For writing my book `The Gift of Time' I interviewed a cross section of people who have done something significant in life. Some of them are just house wives who have raised an enviable family. The list included some students who did exceedingly well in exams and became a legend in their schools. I have come across people who joined their organisation as an ordinary engineer trainee and become Vice Presidents and Managing Directors.

All of them were very consistent in the following traits:

·         They respect time

·         They are very focussed

·         They know how to say `no' assertively

·         They concentrate on a few key objectives and do them well

·         They respect people

·         They love their family

·         They invest their time in developing themselves, both physically and mentally

·         They are alert to new opportunities

·         They are frugal

·         They are good in inter personal relationship

·         They are relaxed amidst their busy schedule

·         They love their job

·         They are helpful to others

·         They wear a smile and are pleasant to move with

I listed only a few. What struck me was their consistency in following these fundamental principles. Sometime I meet them after nearly eight to ten years, and they continue to be the same kind of people!

Over this weekend why not list the fundamental principles of people whom you admire!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


30th September, 2010

Ignited Child!

NLP Presuppositions are some of the assumptions of how the mind and the brain work with each other. They explain how the thoughts, feelings, emotions etc and result in a specific pattern of behaviours.

We will not only explain the NLP Presuppositions, but also apply the same in the conext of learning and education and see how we can try to `reprogramme' the children to get a different pattern of behaviour. In NLP, as I had mentioned earlier, what we are looking for is an `outcome', like we look for an `output' in a computer system.

When we see a child behaving in a particular way, what we observe is an external behaviour. We have to understand that there is a connection between how the child thinks internally and how he behaves externally. If we cannot change this inner connection, we cannot change the external behaviour.

I will list below some of the NLP Presuppositions and discuss each one of them with a classroom related example.

1.    The map is not the territory.

2.    Experience has a structure.

3.    If one child can do something, any child can learn to do the samething.

4.    The mind and body are part of the same system.

5.    Children already have all the resources they need.

6.    You cannot NOT communicate.

7.    The meaning of your communication is the response you get.

8.    Underlying every behaviour is a positive intention.

9.    Children are always making the best choices available to them.

10. If what you are doing is not working, do something else. Do anything else.

Sounds interesting? Continue to read…

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


30th September 2010

Transformation literally means going beyond your form.
Wayne Dyer

We have to transform and improve, not as an option, but as a survival mechanism. Look around the various products that you are using now. Are they the same as they were some ten years ago? Look at the shape of an automobile or a television set, or a refrigerator. Notice the change that has taken place the way they are engineered to stand the test of time. Just imagine what would have happened if they had not been changed!

Why not we consider that we are also a `product'? We are created by some force. Some call it God and some others call it as nature. Once we are created the process of creation stops and we have to recreate ourselves to stand the test of time. We also deliver something to others.

Will you buy an automobile which delivers the same output which it delivered some ten years ago? Will you pay and go for a black and white movie when the colour 3D version is available? Will you buy a role film camera when a digital version of the same is available? Will you buy a computer which is very slow and has a very limited memory capacity?

If the answer to the above is `no', the same thing applies to your own deliverables. In as much as you expect the best from the world, the world also will expect the best from you. Just like you will not take what is not the best from the world, the world will reject you if you don't offer the best!

So, improve and transform yourself. Do a research and development on yourself. Transform for being ordinary to extraordinary – not for the sake of others, but for your own survival!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


29th September 2010

Ignited Child!

You have to understand the fundamental principles on which some of the NLP processes are stacked. NLP is not magic. NLP is not manipulating a person's mind. It is not mesmerism or hypnotism. In hypnotism or mesmerism, the person is put in a trance and is not conscious of what's happening around him or to him. In NLP the person is thoroughly connected with the reality and the world outside him. He knows what is happening to him.

Let's say in a computer there is a virus file. This files has somehow occupied some space in the hard disc and if allowed to continue will affect other files also. It has to be removed. Some viruses are easy to remove and some others are very difficult to remove. Some viruses are mild with respect to its influence on the functioning of the various programmes. Some other virus can be very dangerous and might even crash the hard disc.

in the context of the `human system' of the brain is the hardware, the `mind' is the software. If the mind is occupied with healthy thoughts, we see good and healthy behaviours. The mind thinks positively and the brain executes the same and there is not confusion at all. But it is likely that the mind may be `corrupted' by some negative thoughts. We can compare this with the virus in a computer system. Like in a computer system, if the negative or disempowering thoughts are not neutralised, the desired behaviour will not manifest external to the person.

So the interaction between the mind and the brain is very important to decide what exactly the pattern of behaviour we want from the person.

In this context, I am going to discuss what are called `NLP Presuppositions' in the next few newsletters. NLP Presuppositions will explain why we act the we do and why we do that way!

Curious to know? Please continue to read….

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


29th September 2010

Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it's always your choice.
Wayne Dyer


We have two choices. Either we can choose an action or a consequence. But once the choice of one is made the result of the same cannot be changed, for every action there is a consequence. We may like an action, but the most important question is, will we like the result or consequence of the action?

For example, we have a choice to neglect our health and eat and drink what should not be eaten and drunk. We may like the pleasure of overeating. But once this choice is made, the consequence is automatic. We cannot avoid it. We may choose not to spend time on our reading portfolio and spend our time watching a non value adding television show. But we should be prepared for the consequence also.

To put it in another way, if we choose action `A', we should be ready to face consequence `X'. However, if we want consequence `Y', then the appropriate action is `B'!

Over this week end why do a cause-effect analysis? List what you have achieved, good and bad and list all those things you did to cause this effect. If this is not the quality of life you would like to have had, ponder how you want to redraft your life script for the future?

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


28th September 2010

Treasure your relationships, not your possessions.

Anthony J. D'Angelo


Life is a balance sheet just like a balance sheet of a bank pass book or the profit and loss account of business organizations. We have analyze how much we owe to someone and how much others owe us. After analyzing the same we decide how valuable the business or the person is.

The most important aspect in inter personal relationship is taking stock of how much others have helped us and how much we have helped others. Suppose you give a debit point to your account every time you receive some help from someone and a credit point every time help someone. At the end of six months take how well the debit and the credit are balanced!

The problem in our life is we don't notice how valuable is the help we receive from others and may be over a period of time we take others for granted. We get disappointed when others do not help us, but how many times we thanked them when they did help?

You may get anything in life for money, but not true love and affection. True love and affection is a result of emotional relationship and not a contractual obligation.

Over this weekend, draw a balance sheet of the help you have been receiving from any one person and the help you have been offering to that person and notice what happens to your emotional bondage with reference to that person!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


27th September 2010

If you have made mistakes, even serious mistakes, you may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.

Mary Pickford

It's all how we take failure. We can take it as temporary and as a feedback. Or we can take as permanent and as our personality trait. If we treat failure as permanent and it's our nature to fail, we will lose our self confidence and image. If you read the life of great people, you will know that they have failed more often than others. It's your attitude to failure which is more important than the failure.

If you have not fallen down, you would not have learnt how to walk carefully. If you have not fallen sick, you would not have understood what made you sick. If you have not lost money, you would not have learnt how to make profit. If you have not lost friendship, you would not know how to grow friendship.

Do you know that Walt Disney was fired not being creative? Do know that the research thesis of Albert Einstein was rejected by the University? Do you know that the first electric bulb made by Edison was dropped and broken by his office boy? Do you know the legend Indian actor Amitab Bachan failed in his voice test? Do you know that great people such as Winston Churchill, Gen Paton, Steven Spielberg, Agatha Christie, Watson and hundred others suffered from learning deficiency and failed several times in their school days?

In fact we can do a research of every failure we experience and list at least three learning points from the same.

I recall an interesting quote of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam: `I admire waves not because they rise and fall, but because they don't fail to rise every time they fall!'.

So, fail and fall, but rise again like a phoenix bird!

N C Sridharan




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