[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


29th September 2010

Ignited Child!

You have to understand the fundamental principles on which some of the NLP processes are stacked. NLP is not magic. NLP is not manipulating a person's mind. It is not mesmerism or hypnotism. In hypnotism or mesmerism, the person is put in a trance and is not conscious of what's happening around him or to him. In NLP the person is thoroughly connected with the reality and the world outside him. He knows what is happening to him.

Let's say in a computer there is a virus file. This files has somehow occupied some space in the hard disc and if allowed to continue will affect other files also. It has to be removed. Some viruses are easy to remove and some others are very difficult to remove. Some viruses are mild with respect to its influence on the functioning of the various programmes. Some other virus can be very dangerous and might even crash the hard disc.

in the context of the `human system' of the brain is the hardware, the `mind' is the software. If the mind is occupied with healthy thoughts, we see good and healthy behaviours. The mind thinks positively and the brain executes the same and there is not confusion at all. But it is likely that the mind may be `corrupted' by some negative thoughts. We can compare this with the virus in a computer system. Like in a computer system, if the negative or disempowering thoughts are not neutralised, the desired behaviour will not manifest external to the person.

So the interaction between the mind and the brain is very important to decide what exactly the pattern of behaviour we want from the person.

In this context, I am going to discuss what are called `NLP Presuppositions' in the next few newsletters. NLP Presuppositions will explain why we act the we do and why we do that way!

Curious to know? Please continue to read….

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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