[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


21st September 2010

Ignited Child!

Just observe a computer and think: what makes it work? Is it the hardware? If it the computer operator? Is it the electricity? If the answer is `yes', then how to do explain a computer not performing a particular task even though you have given the required command? If you have some knowledge of computers, you will understand the `programming' aspect of a computer. You may have an excellent computer, but if it is not loaded with the requisite software, no matter how costly is the computer, it will not give the output you want.

Let me explain the NLP concept in a very simple way. You boot your computer, open a file and you want an output. For example you want a print out of the word document. You press the control button and `p' button. If you get the print out, its fine. If you don't, you will verify if you have given the right command. If you are sure that you've given the right command, you would like to verify if the printer is properly connected with the computer and if the computer is processing the input. If your computer is not processing the input, you've to do something about it. You don't blame the computer, the key board or the printer.

This comparison is very relevant in understanding human behaviour, whether with respect to a child or a grown up adult. The brain acts as a computer hardware, the mind as the software and the five sensory organs as the input devise!

Getting even more curious? Keep reading…

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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