[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


The Ignited Child

9th September, 2010

Brain Gym exercises were first pioneered by Paul E Dennison Ph.D and his wife and cofounder Gail Dennison. These people are the originators of the idea of brain gym and the processes that go with this concept. They have founded the Brain Gym International. They have also come out with a series of manuals and books such as Brain Gym, Simple Activities for Whole-Brain Learning, Brain Gym and Me: Reclaiming the Pleasures of Learning, etc.

You can go into any search engines and look for these books. The various exercises given in these books may appear to be very simple, but they are very effective and powerful. These exercises are based on the principle that the right side of the body is triggered and powered left side of the brain, and the left side of the body is triggered and powered by the right side of the brain.

If the right side of the brain moves our left hand, then by corollary, when you move the left hand, it should stimulate the right brain? If we understand this simple brain and body connectivity, you will appreciate the various brain gym exercises.

For example, draw the number `8' in the air by your right hand, moving clockwise and tracing the number `8' all along. While you do it, simultaneously draw the number `8' in the air with your left hand moving in the anti clockwise direction. Stop reading this and do this exercise. You may find it difficult to do in the first attempt. Consistent practice will make it easier for you!

Such an exercise will bridge the Right and Left hemispheres of the brain.

Sounds interesting? More will follow….

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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