[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


20th September 2010

"The report card is there for you the instant you are WOW! Someone will turn to you and say it. Once you begin to hear WOW!, it's an addiction you'll want to hear all the time."

Jeffrey Gitomer

Human beings are meaning making beings. We are not merely a doing beings, we are also thinking beings. We are not merely a combination of flesh and bones, but we have a mind, and the mind consists of feelings, ego and attitude. This is what makes us different from other living beings. We do what we do, since we like what we do. Something should take place inside us to like what we do consistently. Sometimes it is not the pleasure of doing something which makes us to do a thing again and again. Sometimes we want to do a thing even if it gives us pain, because we like the feeling accompanying that pain!

Take the example of a sports star straining every nerve and muscle standing in the hot sun. he undergoes immense pain and suffering. It's all for performing at his best to get that WOW from the audience. This WOW makes the pain a pleasure. Once he hears the WOW again and again, he gets addicted to the pain! You want to succeed again and again to get that WOW!

Just imagine a cricketer standing in the middle of the ground and scoring a century with millions of people watching him only on the television and not as spectators! Even is the cricketer has passion for cricket, what drives him hard is not merely his love of the game, but also the feedback from the spectators.

NLP offers an excellent process called creative visualization. When you want to do something very difficult, just visualize your achieving the same, notice the WOW you get from others when you have achieved your goal and `save' this `visual constructed picture' in your mental screen. Like a desk top, store it on your `mind top' and open this file as often as you can. Res run this picture file again and again and taste this WOW.

You will get addicted to this WOW and this will sustain your action plan.

N C Sridharan



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