[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


2nd September 2010

`Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps, if you are not willing to move your feet'

Author Unknown

Anyone can help us. We can seek the help of anybody. But the question is which is the prime mover for success? Is it our effort or is it the help and guidance of others? In my time management seminars I keep saying that no matter who is your teacher, coach or trainer, no one can change the quality of your life which you have decided to design for you.

Others are not puppets to dance to our tunes and help us whenever we seek their help. We should be willing and show our seriousness to use their help. Else, they will lose their keenness and interest.

In my three decades of experience of mentoring people to achieve their dreams, there are two major hurdles for the growth of any person. They are laziness and procrastination. These two may appear to be almost similar, but they are different. Laziness is a state of mind where we just don't want to do anything and rest. On the other hand, procrastination is postponing an activity for no reason. A procrastinator will not be lazy and he will be busily engaged in some activity or other. But when it comes to a particular activity, he will postpone the same.

There is one more parameter in receiving someone else' help. It's the enthusiasm we display in making use of the help and swinging into immediate action. This will be noticed by those helping us and will encourage them even more to reach out to us.

May be you can scan through your own life and jot down one occasion when you could have had all the help, but you just kept quiet!

N C Sridharan



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