[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


21st September 2010

"Productivity is determined not by work... but by EFFECTIVE actions

disguised as work."

Doug Firebaugh


We all work hard. But the important thing is do we create any effective result from our work? Effectiveness is different from work. At the end of the day when we retire do bed, do we feel satisfied that it was an useful and effective day? Keep a log of all the activities you do in a day and at the end of the day ask yourself the question: what is the effect of this activity? It's something like an editor of a movie. He goes through every bit of the frottage and decides which scene or sequence is not required and removes the same,

This principle applies to our daily life also. All we consider to be work need not be so. Only such work which creates value should be taken as work. Before doing any work we need to ask the following questions:

·         Why should I do this activity?

·         What will happen if I don't do this activity?

·         What result will accrue if I do this and what will I miss if I don't do this?

·         Can the same result be achieved by any other means?

·         Can I do the same activity in a different way?

In fact an editor of a movie will ask all these questions with reference to the footage that is in front of him.

If you observe very successful people, they will appear as though they are not doing any work. But a lot of work is going on in their mind. Like a duck, which is moving its legs underneath the water, but remains steady outside, these people will appear to be not at all busy, but will be doing a lot of `silent work'!

N C Sridharan



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