[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


16th September 2010

"You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm."

Sidonie Gabrielle Colette

Next time when you see children see their speed. Watch from a distance how they present themselves externally. Observe them keenly. You will notice one important thing in life which will make all the difference for success – they will be enthusiastic. They will be bubbling with enthusiasm. We were also like that once, but over a period of time, we lost it in some aspects of our life.

You will notice one thing in children: either they will do it with enthusiasm or not to it at all! They will display their enthusiasm in the way they get involved in what they are doing.

The degree of our enthusiasm will decide the degree of our commitment in a job. The degree of our commitment will reflect in our effort level. When we are enthusiastic, we will work hard and endure hard work. We will sustain our speed and pace of work. We will accept failures and setbacks as temporary and learning points. We will not blame others or complain about things which are not in our control. Even if we blame others or complain, that will not affect our commitment to what we have undertaken to do.

When we are driven by enthusiasm, we will enjoy the tension and pressure when doing a job beyond our present capacity. We will be willing to learn new skills and seek the help of others.

We can compare enthusiasm with the voltage of electricity or the power in a battery. When the power is low, the bulb emits more light and lasts longer. When the power diminishes, the light disappears.

Over this weekend, benchmark your enthusiasm with that of another person in your field who is best and notice how much focused and hard he works. You will understand the meaning of the above quotation.

N C Sridharan



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