[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


2nd September 2010

Ignited Child!

In my parents' counseling programmes, parents ask me how to keep the brain active. We can divide it into two parts, one, the hardware and the other, the software. The hardware portion consists of how to make the brain healthy and keep all the parts of the brain fit. The software aspect consists of how to make the brain think in a different way. I will discuss the thinking aspect of the brain later on.

I have already discussed the food which will improve the brain function in an earlier chapter. The easiest and the most important brain maintenance function lies in the way we breath. We should know how to breathe. You may be surprised about this point. You may feel that in as much as we have been breathing from the time we are born, where is the question learning to breathe? Breathing is different from breathing right!

Next time you see a newborn baby, observe the baby breathing. You will notice the diaphragm going in and coming out. After watching a newborn baby breathing, notice an adult breathing and you will see the difference. As we grew up, we changed the pattern of our breathing. From deep breathing, we have started shallow breathing. In a deep breathing, which may be called `diaphragmatic breathing', the lung is filled up to its full capacity and hence the blood stream gets a high flow of oxygen and consequently, the brain is also enriched.

You can join a yoga class conducted by an expert and learn the pranayam technique of inhaling – holding – exhaling. There is a timing for the inhaling phase, holding phase and the exhaling phase. The yoga teacher will also teach you the other exercises related to breathing such as kapalapathi, yogic breathing etc.

I learnt an exercise which I found to be effective. In this, you lie on your back and both your legs resting on a chair. Stretch both your arms above your head and rest them on the floor. While lying in this position, close your eyes, and inhale fast, hold as long as you can and exhale as slow as you can. Do this exercise five to six times a day, preferable in the morning.

I found this method adding to my creativity and fresh thinking! Perhaps you can teach this to your child also.

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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