[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


20th September 2010

Ignited Child!

In the last newsletter we talked about the relevance of parental communication. In the next few issues of this newsletter, we are going to write an amazing concept that is revolutionizing the way we understood human behaviour and how we can bring about changes in the same.

The concept is Neuro Linguistic Programming, in short called `NLP'. The concept of NLP was first enunciated by Richard Bandler and John Grinder in 1970s and the concept has been researched and expanded very widely by so many people over the last forty years. The concept of NLP is very relevant and important in identifying some of the learning and education related issues. We did our advanced Certification Programme in NLP and two Masters Certification Programmes with NLP Comprehensive, Colorado, USA. We have been reading widely on NLP ever since and applying the same in a school context.

We started a school in 1996 and for the past nearly fifteen years we have been implementing NLP concepts with Children as well as with parents and teachers. We can confidently say that the result is amazing, to say the least!

Over the next few issues we are going to write about NLP as it applies to parenting and education. We suggest that the parents should not only read and understand the concept, but also do the various exercises that we will be suggesting. we will also give some references about books and websites so that the parents can read further to enhance their knowledge of NLP and its application to education.

Getting curious to know more? Read further…

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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