[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


Ignited Child!

22nd September 2010

Let us understand the meaning of the three word that makes `NLP'. `Neuro' refers to the brain cells called neurons. All our activities are triggered by our brain. The brain function manifests through our five senses, namely, eyes, ears, nose, tongue and the touch feeling. If the brain stops functioning, these sensory organs will not function, and we cannot see, hear, smell, taste or feel. In a dead body, all these five organs are there and so in a patient who is in a cerebral coma. But these organs, even though present, are useless.

The second word `linguistic' means the way we communicate. Linguistic means the study or use of language. Whenever we communicate, the words aloe do not make up the communication. The way the words are used, the tonality, the voice inflection, the metaphors that are used, the non verbal aspect of communication etc makes a big difference to decide the quality of communication.

`Programming' is taken from the computer science. If a computer hardware is not loaded with the requisite software, it cannot be programmed and hence will not be useful for any application. In the context of human behaviour and interaction, the mind has to be programmed for an action to take place.

Let us take a simple example. Suppose you want your child to look at you. You need to draw his attention. So what do you do to draw his attention? Clap your hand? The child listens to the sound, turns to you. If you show something interesting, the child keeps `hooked' on to you. But what if the child has made up his `mind' not to turn to you no matter what you do? You can clap your hand any number of times, but the child will not look at you! Because, the mind has a different programme!

Simple principle, isn't it? In fact NLP is simple, if we understand the same properly.

Read further…..

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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