[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


Ignited Child!

10th September 2010


By now you would have got some idea on how the right brain and the left brain should integrate and complement each other. It's like the stereophonic sound and mono sound. Obviously the stereophonic sound is much more peasant to hear. So will be the case when both sides of the brains are used. We should encourage the interconnectivity between the two sides of the brain through brain gym exercises. There are lot of fun ways through which you can establish this inter connectivity.

There is a brain gym exercise called `cross crawl'. In this you lift the right knee a little bit and touch the same by our right hand while you keep your left hand up. Then you lift your right knee a little bit and touch the same with your left hand while you keep your right hand up. Do this exercise alternatively. Perhaps you can do this exercise rhythmically to a music. This will be fun!

Here's another brain gym exercise. Ask your child to sit on a chair with her back resting on the back rest comfortably and legs hanging down. Ask her to trace a circle with her right foot clockwise. Simultaneously, she should trace a circle with the left foot anti clockwise. After three circles, let her do it in the opposite direction, ie., right foot anti clockwise and left foot clockwise. This exercise may seem to be very easy when you read. Stop reading and do this exercise and you will appreciate the fun and the stretch involved in this exercise!

You can ask your child to do one more fun brain gym exercise. If your child is a right hander, ask him to hold a pen in the left hand and write for five minutes. If your child is a left hander, ask him to write with the right hand. This will be a little difficult to do. But over a period of time he will do it with ease. This simple exercise will activate the creative side of the brain!

Try it out!

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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