[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


30th September, 2010

Ignited Child!

NLP Presuppositions are some of the assumptions of how the mind and the brain work with each other. They explain how the thoughts, feelings, emotions etc and result in a specific pattern of behaviours.

We will not only explain the NLP Presuppositions, but also apply the same in the conext of learning and education and see how we can try to `reprogramme' the children to get a different pattern of behaviour. In NLP, as I had mentioned earlier, what we are looking for is an `outcome', like we look for an `output' in a computer system.

When we see a child behaving in a particular way, what we observe is an external behaviour. We have to understand that there is a connection between how the child thinks internally and how he behaves externally. If we cannot change this inner connection, we cannot change the external behaviour.

I will list below some of the NLP Presuppositions and discuss each one of them with a classroom related example.

1.    The map is not the territory.

2.    Experience has a structure.

3.    If one child can do something, any child can learn to do the samething.

4.    The mind and body are part of the same system.

5.    Children already have all the resources they need.

6.    You cannot NOT communicate.

7.    The meaning of your communication is the response you get.

8.    Underlying every behaviour is a positive intention.

9.    Children are always making the best choices available to them.

10. If what you are doing is not working, do something else. Do anything else.

Sounds interesting? Continue to read…

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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