[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


24th September 2010

Ignited Child!

As I mentioned in one of my previous newsletter, human beings are thinking beings and not merely doing beings. We are meaning making beings and what we do should be meaningful to us so that we get involved mentally and not merely physically.

NLP is the study of human excellence. When the original originators of NLP studied the behavioural patterns of some of the excellent people in United States, they found that the external behaviour did not `just happen' but was triggered by an internal programme. It's something like a smoke and fire. The smoke is a result of fire. If you want smoke, then you should create a fire. Similarly if you don't want smoke, you have to extinguish the fire. Isn't a simple common sense?

Let me give an example which I am fond of giving in my Parents' Study Circle. My wife is a Math teacher. A few years ago one of her students stood first in the State in tenth Board Exam. I interviewed him to know his strategy in a popular television channel. I was amazed his mental programme which decided his studying strategy.

I asked him whether he will answer the one mark questions first or ten mark questions first while handling a question paper. He replied that he does not distinguish between a one mark question and a ten mark question! He did not stop here. He added that if he distinguishes between one mark question and a ten mark question, he will get only 99 marks and not 100 marks!! Isn't amazing? Then I asked him what will be preferred sequence of answering the questions, at random or sequentially, like first question first, and then second question, then third question like that. For this he replied that he will answer the question in sequence and the most interesting part of his answer was his logic why he answered the questions in sequence. He said that he did not want his teacher to search for the question and wanted to ensure a smooth `flow' so that she will be in a very happy frame of mind while correcting his paper so that he will be `liberal'!

This is what is called an excellent mental programming and this is what makes a person unique!

Read further…

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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