[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


15th September 2010

The gem cannot be polished without friction, not man perfected without trials.

Chinese Proverb

Practice makes it perfect. You don't succeed in the first attempt, especially when the task we have undertaken is something great. It is human nature that that we try to avoid failure and risk taking. It is a natural instinct of anyone to avoid any unpleasant experience. This applies not only to human beings but also to any living entity.

Fear of failure creates a friction in the mind and an hesitation to try out anything new. We like to operate from the safe harbour of comfort. But great leaders differ from ordinary people in their ability to risk and accept any challenge as an opportunity to hone their skill and tap on to their hidden potential. We have all the skills and talents waiting to be tapped. If we don't tap them at the right time for the right purpose, they become useless.

The key issue is how to overcome this initial hesitation to take risk. One way is to get used to taking risks and trying out something new in a safe environment. For example, if you are afraid to speak in public, choose a small forum and try to speak. Choose a friendly circle. Of you are afraid to write for the fear of rejection, why not send an article to a small local magazine. If you are afraid to write a book, why not write a small booklet? If you are afraid to run a magazine, start a newsletter and see what happens!

These are all safe ways to overcome your initial hesitation and fear.

Try it out!

N C Sridharan


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