[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


6th September 2010

Ignited Child!

The right side of the brain is emotional, visual, artistic, feeling oriented, imaginative, creative, musical etc. On the other hand, the left side of the brain is sequential, logical, verbal, analytical, detail oriented, mathematical, realistic, time bound etc. Researchers say that the right side of the brain recognizes negative emotions faster while the left side of the brain recognizes positive emotions.

Let me give an example. If the father is in control of the house, you can see a specific pattern of events which will be different when the mother is in control. People are different and hence their focus will be different. Similarly, children who are predominantly right brain oriented will behave differently from children who are left brain driven. For example while a right brain dominant child will be highly imaginative and creative, a left brain dominant child will be routine and rule oriented. A right brain oriented child will be artistic and will like music which you cannot see in a left brain oriented child. A right brain oriented will be more emotional than a left brain dominant child. While the right brain oriented child will remember the face of his friend, the left brain dominant child will remember the name and voice of his friend! Normally a left brain oriented child will excel in mathematics while a right brain dominant child will excel in arts and crafts. In general left brain dominant children will be more organized than the right brain dominant children.

Biologically, the left and the right hemispheres are interconnected by a cluster of nerve cells called corpus callosum which has about 250 million nerve fibers. When we were young, there was very free exchange of information between the right side and the left side of the brain. But as we grew, we were conditioned to be more logical and systematic and creative and imaginative. Thus we were encouraged to be more left oriented and less right oriented.

This `detachment' results in a predominantly right side oriented or left side oriented personality traits.

We need the active functioning of both sides of the brain for effective living. How to integrate the two halves of the brain?

Read further….

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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