[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


9th September 2010

Disgust and resolve are two of the great emotions that lead to change'

Jim Rohn

`Change is inevitable and the only thing that does not change is change itself. If we don't change we will perish. Change is inevitable….'. You hear these statements day in and day out. It is also common sense. We have changed and we have to change. But we will not accept change happily. Left with no other alternative, we may pay a lip service to change. We will advise everyone to change. But when it comes to personal change, we will  not be comfortable to accept change. Even if we accept change, we will not be at ease to change our habits and actions.

In order to accept change whole heartedly, we have to have one, disgust and two, resolve. Disgust means a strong dislike. As long as we like something, there is no reason why we would change! Not only we should dislike, we should dislike it strongly. Let's say we smoke and we want to give up smoking. As long as we love smoking, we will not give up. But on the day the doctor says that one half of our lungs is missing, we will dislike smoking strongly, because we like living strongly!

The other is the resolve to change. This is automatic, the moment we dislike something strongly. The resolve comes out of our own will to change, and not because someone wants us to do something.

In order to disgust something and resolve to change the same, one tool you can use is self affirmation statements. Write down something you want to change, for example, overeating. Then make a self affirmation statement such as `I dislike over eating very strongly, I want to be conscious of my eating, I will be careful in my eating no matter how tempting is the food' etc. Write it down on a piece of paper and read it out several times. Inform others about your resolve several times and then check if the above quotation is true!

N C Sridharan



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