[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


27th September 2010

If you have made mistakes, even serious mistakes, you may have a fresh start any moment you choose, for this thing we call "failure" is not the falling down, but the staying down.

Mary Pickford

It's all how we take failure. We can take it as temporary and as a feedback. Or we can take as permanent and as our personality trait. If we treat failure as permanent and it's our nature to fail, we will lose our self confidence and image. If you read the life of great people, you will know that they have failed more often than others. It's your attitude to failure which is more important than the failure.

If you have not fallen down, you would not have learnt how to walk carefully. If you have not fallen sick, you would not have understood what made you sick. If you have not lost money, you would not have learnt how to make profit. If you have not lost friendship, you would not know how to grow friendship.

Do you know that Walt Disney was fired not being creative? Do know that the research thesis of Albert Einstein was rejected by the University? Do you know that the first electric bulb made by Edison was dropped and broken by his office boy? Do you know the legend Indian actor Amitab Bachan failed in his voice test? Do you know that great people such as Winston Churchill, Gen Paton, Steven Spielberg, Agatha Christie, Watson and hundred others suffered from learning deficiency and failed several times in their school days?

In fact we can do a research of every failure we experience and list at least three learning points from the same.

I recall an interesting quote of Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam: `I admire waves not because they rise and fall, but because they don't fail to rise every time they fall!'.

So, fail and fall, but rise again like a phoenix bird!

N C Sridharan




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