[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


8th September 2010

Ignited Child!

I have been writing on split brain theory and its implications on education and learning. If we are purely guided by logic and not supported by emotions, we will not be fully involved and committed in doing what we have undertaken to do. Emotion attachment is a derivative of the right brain activation and logic is left brain function. When a child is emotionally involved in studies, the child will be self driven and will be able to do well with least supervision and follow up.

I'm sure you would have noticed the degree of enthusiasm of a child on the play ground and the energy which can be seen by the physical efforts and speed. But the same child will be slow and require a lot of follow up when it comes to doing the homework! The logic is very simple: if you don't do your homework, you cannot recall what is taught in the class and if you cannot recall what is taught in the class, you will not remember when you have to face the exam. But the issue is: why should I remember? From the point of view of the child, it is painful to shut down the TV and do the homework and it is pleasure to sleep as long as possible.

This is where the need to bridge the emotional right brain and the logical left brain becomes very important. Children should be made to get involved on the need to do well in studies, just the same way they feel about sports.

Let me clarify one very important point. The question is not whether a child should be driven by the right side of the brain or the left side of the brain. In my parents' counseling sessions parents ask me which netter- right brain orientation or left brain orientation? The answer is, there should be a balance between emotion and the logic. Emotional attachment should be supported by logical and systematic hard work.

Can we choose which leg is better- left or right or which eye is better-left or right? What happens if the right leg and the left leg do not cooperate with each other?  What happens if the left eye focuses on one thing and the right eye on something else?

The same will be the state if the right and left side of the brain do not relate with each other. We can integrate the two halves of the brain through many ways and Brain Gym is one such. What is Gym? Read further….

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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