[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


30th September 2010

Transformation literally means going beyond your form.
Wayne Dyer

We have to transform and improve, not as an option, but as a survival mechanism. Look around the various products that you are using now. Are they the same as they were some ten years ago? Look at the shape of an automobile or a television set, or a refrigerator. Notice the change that has taken place the way they are engineered to stand the test of time. Just imagine what would have happened if they had not been changed!

Why not we consider that we are also a `product'? We are created by some force. Some call it God and some others call it as nature. Once we are created the process of creation stops and we have to recreate ourselves to stand the test of time. We also deliver something to others.

Will you buy an automobile which delivers the same output which it delivered some ten years ago? Will you pay and go for a black and white movie when the colour 3D version is available? Will you buy a role film camera when a digital version of the same is available? Will you buy a computer which is very slow and has a very limited memory capacity?

If the answer to the above is `no', the same thing applies to your own deliverables. In as much as you expect the best from the world, the world also will expect the best from you. Just like you will not take what is not the best from the world, the world will reject you if you don't offer the best!

So, improve and transform yourself. Do a research and development on yourself. Transform for being ordinary to extraordinary – not for the sake of others, but for your own survival!

N C Sridharan



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