[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


1st September 2010

Ignited Child!

The brain has muscles for thinking as the legs have muscles for walking.

Julien Offory de La Mettrie

In an automobile, the engine is very important and it gives the power to move the vehicle. The fuel that we put is burnt here. There are two things required if the vehicle were to move: the engine should be powerful and there should be enough fuel to run the engine. Of course, the automobile should have the other sub systems such as the suspension, the wheels, the brakes, the accelerator etc.

We can compare the brain as the engine for the purpose of learning and education and oxygen as the fuel that powers the brain. If the brain is powerless, it does not matter whether all the other limbs are active. What is the purpose of a healthy body if the person is in cerebral coma?

This explains why our children should breath right. Doctors say that more than 40 percent of the body energy is burnt in the brain and that the brain is the first organ to be affected if there is poor supply of oxygen.

Let's go back to the automobile example. When we put contaminated fuel to the automobile, it not only affects the engine, but also affects the performance of the vehicle. The fuel for the brain is oxygen and the only way oxygen gets into the brain is through the blood stream. Purer the air, purer the oxygen content, purer the blood and so more energy for the brain. How do we get pure oxygen? The purest form of oxygen is Ozone and it is available in plenty in the early morning. In India the ancient sages said that the best time to get up in the morning is between 4 am to 6 am. If you think the logic behind this time discipline, you will find a simple common sense.

Throughout the night the trees breath through the leaves, assimilates the carbon dioxide, converts the same into chlorophyll and sends out the oxygen. Hence the early morning is full of the unpolluted oxygen in the form of Ozone.

Parents should explain this common sense concept to the children and encourage them to be early risers. Let the children join the `five o' clock club' and get a richly oxygenated brain and a healthy body! They will not have `poor memory' and `examination fever'! Like a powerful engine has a high horse power, these children will be driven by a higher `brain power'!

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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