[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


1st September 2010

Ignited Child!

The brain has muscles for thinking as the legs have muscles for walking.

Julien Offory de La Mettrie

In an automobile, the engine is very important and it gives the power to move the vehicle. The fuel that we put is burnt here. There are two things required if the vehicle were to move: the engine should be powerful and there should be enough fuel to run the engine. Of course, the automobile should have the other sub systems such as the suspension, the wheels, the brakes, the accelerator etc.

We can compare the brain as the engine for the purpose of learning and education and oxygen as the fuel that powers the brain. If the brain is powerless, it does not matter whether all the other limbs are active. What is the purpose of a healthy body if the person is in cerebral coma?

This explains why our children should breath right. Doctors say that more than 40 percent of the body energy is burnt in the brain and that the brain is the first organ to be affected if there is poor supply of oxygen.

Let's go back to the automobile example. When we put contaminated fuel to the automobile, it not only affects the engine, but also affects the performance of the vehicle. The fuel for the brain is oxygen and the only way oxygen gets into the brain is through the blood stream. Purer the air, purer the oxygen content, purer the blood and so more energy for the brain. How do we get pure oxygen? The purest form of oxygen is Ozone and it is available in plenty in the early morning. In India the ancient sages said that the best time to get up in the morning is between 4 am to 6 am. If you think the logic behind this time discipline, you will find a simple common sense.

Throughout the night the trees breath through the leaves, assimilates the carbon dioxide, converts the same into chlorophyll and sends out the oxygen. Hence the early morning is full of the unpolluted oxygen in the form of Ozone.

Parents should explain this common sense concept to the children and encourage them to be early risers. Let the children join the `five o' clock club' and get a richly oxygenated brain and a healthy body! They will not have `poor memory' and `examination fever'! Like a powerful engine has a high horse power, these children will be driven by a higher `brain power'!

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


1st September 2010

"No man or woman is an island. To exist just for yourself is meaningless. You can achieve the most satisfaction when you feel related to some greater purpose in life, something greater than yourself."

Denis Waitley

There is nothing wrong in wanting to focus on our personal life and aspirations. In my time management seminars I used to say that there is nothing wrong in becoming selfish. But becoming selfish is different from being only selfish. We need to connect with others taking up some cause which concerns us all. If we are going to exist merely for our own basic needs of life, our life will become very mechanical.

Sometime we come across people with `I, me, myself' philosophy. Just imagine if everyone had remained with this philosophy. Read the history of mankind to know how many people had laid their life for the good of others. Consider the people serving the army and navy and just visualize what will happen to our security if such people withdraw from the border.

You know what is tithing? A tithe is a one-tenth of something which you set aside on your own for a charitable cause to support the society. We live in a society where there are a lot of people who need the help and patronage of people around us. Tithing need not be restricted to donating one tenth of your earning. Can you spend one tenth of your time for a cause which is greater than yourself? In a day we have twenty four hours. One tenth is a little over two hours in a day. Can we invest this time for the society? We can go to the nearest school or a hospital to serve the needy.

If you live in a small town where there about one hundred thousand adults, just imagine what one tenth of the time could cause!

We can adopt a social project to which we can contribute. Do you know one thing? Only human beings can think of tithing and thus we can also become humane beings!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Ignited Child


31st August 2010

Ignited Child!

It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.

 - Herman Melville

Earlier I mentioned that we can live without food for a few months, but we cannot live without water even for a few days. But how long we can live without breathing? In a few minutes we will die!

Yoshiro Nakamatsu is a Japanese inventor who claims to hold the world's record number of inventions with over 3000! Even Thomas Alva Edison and Albert Einstein owned only a little over a thousand patterns. Yoshiro Nakamatsu's inventions include the basic technology for the floppy discs, the CD, the DVD, the digital watch, the taxicab meter etc. He was born in 1928 and he says his goal is to live up to 144 years! He was awarded the 2005 Ig Nobel Prize for Nutrition. He is also nick named as the Thomas Edison of Japan!

You may be wondering why I am writing about him!

He believes that the brain function is substantially enhanced when you hold the breath for a long duration. He goes to swimming, remains under water with a special note pad and pen and swims as long as he can. He claims that he got some of his breakthrough ideas when he was swimming under water and wrote down the same in the special pad and pen that he carried!

The ancient sages of India practiced and propagated pranayama which is in principle breath control. By inhaling deeply and fast and exhaling slowly, they were able to substantially increase their focus and concentration. Research very clearly confirms that the functioning of the brain is substantially increased by increased supply of oxygen to the brain.

Are you curious to know how the minds of the children be ignited by just controlling the breathing?

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


31st August 2010

"Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter."

 Martin Luther King, Jr.

We need to have a critical list of things which are very important for us for which we should become sensitive. We need to ask the following questions:

·         Does our health matter?

·         Does the environmental pollution matter?

·         Does the political corruption matter?

·         The decline in the youth values- does it matter?

·         The declining sense of honesty- does it matter?

If the answer to the above question is `yes', the critical question is `what are we doing about it?'. Do we at least talk about it? Do we express our views on some of these important issues of the society?

More often than not, we close our eyes and ignore. We don't even want to talk about it. We take the line of least resistance, since such an approach suits us. If we raise our voice, we have to do something. So we choose to keep quite. Or, the maximum we go is to criticize, complain and blame someone.

I read somewhere that the mankind is suffering not because of a few hundred people without conscience, but because of the silence of millions of people. Mahatma Gandhi did not remain silent when he saw racial discrimination in South Africa. He had all the reason to keep himself off the British injustice in India when he arrived after his barrister education. But he decided to speak and write about it. So did Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Ralph Nader etc who expressed their voice vociferously.

Over this weekend, jot down one thing which shocks your conscience and decide what you are going to do!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


30th August 2010

Ignited Child!

You are aware of the cause-effect relationship. When we do something, there is an effect. As long as we cause something, the effect or the consequences cannot be avoided. This is simple logic.

Just think what is breathing? Isn't inhaling air, assimilating oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide? When we hold our breath, the carbon dioxide content of the blood increases. The body responds by understanding that the oxygen supply is being stopped, and the brain instructs the carotid artery to allow more blood to be dispatched to the affected area! Just hold your breath till you cannot hold anymore and notice what happens. You will notice blood flowing into your head. With more flow of blood to the head area, the brain gets an additional quota of blood and along with it a substantial quantity of oxygen. You will appreciate what it means to oxygenate the brain richly.

The effect of this is like irrigating a fertile soil with good water. The soil may be very fertile, but without water, the fertility does not matter much. As I mentioned elsewhere, all of us get the same quota of neuron, about one hundred billion. I also said that we lose anywhere from 10,000 to 35,000 neurons per day.

Compare this with the plants withering away on a fertile soil for want to water. What happens when water flows into that soil? Will the plants revive and live longer? This principle applies to the brain cells also. We cannot add any more neurons to our brain, as I mentioned elsewhere. All that we can do is to stop the death of neurons. By oxygenating the brain through breath control, we do this. This results in stopping the death of neurons.

As mentioned earlier, neurons are the receptacles of information and more neurons means more information storage capacity!

With this information, think whether it makes sense to encourage your child to do pranayama!

Are there any other method to practice breath control?

Read further…

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


30th August 2010

There's nothing more dangerous than a resourceful idiot.
Scott Adams

You would have come across the words `resource' and `resourcefulness'. They start with the same letters but end differently! The dictionary meaning of the word `resource' is `something to which one can turn for help'. The meaning of the word `resourceful' is clever at finding ways of doing things'.  The dictionary meaning of the word `idiot' is a stupid person. The dictionary meaning of the word `stupid' is `not clever, slow at learning or understanding'.  

Now read the above paragraph a couple of times and you will know the `secret' formula for failure!

We may have all the resources such as time, people, money, material, method, technology etc. But if we are not resourceful, then we are a `resourceful idiot'! We need to be alive to opportunities and we need to know what resources we already have and what other resources we need to procure to reach our goal. This state of mind can be called `resourceful'. A resourceful person is clever and he knows how to get things done. He knows how to use the resources he has effectively.

Take the most important resource `time'. We may have all the time and the knowledge. But what is the use if we are not alert and resourceful?

Over this weekend ponder over the following questions:

·         What is my most important goal for the next six months?

·         Do I have all the resources I need to reach my goal?

·         Am I a resourceful person clever enough to use the resources at my disposal?

The answer to the above questions will decide your idiocy index!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Feedback on 'IGNITE' Book


Dear readers,

Feedback on `IGNITE'

I am really overwhelmed at the response to my book `IGNITE' and I have been dispatching the books to those who want.

The purpose of this e mail is to tell you that I am curious to know your feedback about the contents of the book. I am sure you will set aside a few minutes of your valuable time to send an e mail giving your feedback.


N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


27th August 2010

"Discipline yourself for maximum productivity by repeating `back to work!'

over and over."

-Brian Tracy

We need some system of reinforcement to keep us on track. Anything which is not reinforced may disappear. Take the example of media advertisements. The product may be very good and effective. The quality may be very superior. It may also have the patronage of many customers. But if the product disappears from the media, the product may disappear from the households also! As long as the media continuously promotes the product, we will continuously buy the same.

This principle applies to human behaviour also. Discipline is the name of the game. Without discipline nothing great can be achieved. We need time discipline, money discipline, material discipline, road discipline, food discipline etc. Discipline consists of investing all our attention with one pointed focus. It is only natural that we get distracted constantly. But we need to refocus.

You know the internal audit function in an organization. They audit if the budges resources are expended the way they are intended. If not, they bring the deviation to the attention of the top management who take remedial action.

When it comes to perseverance, our conscience is our internal auditor. We have to constantly ask ourselves the question: what am I doing now and what am I supposed to do? If there is a deviation between what we are doing and what we are supposed to do, we need to redirect our action by repeating the words `back to work, back to work'.

Here's is a simple home work for you: type this mantra `back to work, back to work' on a sheet of paper, print it as bold as possible, laminate it and stick it on to your work table in conspicuous place. You will understand the power of this mantra in forty eight days!

N C Sridharan



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[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


Ignited Child!

27th August 2010

Water is the blood in our veins.

Levi Eshkol, Israeli Prime Minister, 1962

Ever seen a barren land or a non fertile land with withered plants and trees? This is how the brain of a child will look if the brain is not supplied with adequate amount of water. Have you ever felt thirsty? Do you know what it means? It means that the water content of the blood is low. When the water content of the blood drops, the salt level in the blood goes up and this results in blood higher pressure and stress.

In order to appreciate how important is water to the brain, you should know that approximately 80% of the brain is water. Just inform your child about this information and notice how he responds to the idea of drinking water regularly and not only he feels thirsty. Check the school bags of children and notice how much water a child brings to school, leave alone drinking the same.  Lack of water will result in dehydration which will lead to heartburn, stomach ache, chronic pain, low back pain, head ache, mental irritation and depression etc.

A dehydrated brain cannot focus and the attention will wane. Focus, concentration and attention are very critical for learning and education. Our children need the energy to do well and they need a healthy body as well as a healthy brain. while parents take care of a healthy body, many are not well informed on how to nurture a healthy brain.

When feeling thirsty, children are tempted to drink fruit juices, soda or other beverages. But ironically, these drinks are dehydrating fluids will cause further loss of water from the blood stream.

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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