[Time-Management] Ignited Children!


16th August 2010

Ignited Children

A babe is nothing but a bundle of possibilities.

Henry Ward Beecher

When we buy a computer, we want to know the installed capacity. So the case when we want to buy an automobile. We would like to know how fast the car or the motorbike can run. We may not use the installed capacity. We may not have the use for all the installed capacity. For example, our car can be driven at a speed of 240 kms per our, but we may not be driving more than 80 kms per hour maximum. Nevertheless, we ould like to know the total capacity of the product we have. If someone is driving faster than us, we will not blame our vehicle, but assign the reason to us.

This principle is very relevant when we want to make our children achieve much more than what they are doing at present. Many parents complain that their children are not able to pay attention to what is taught in the classroom and hence not able to score. We need to know what is the `installed capacity' for the portfolio called `paying attention'. Scientists have researched and say that a human brain can pay attention to 126 bits of information per second! That means when a person is speaking, whether in a classroom or elsewhere, this is what your child is capable of doing.

Here is one more information: the world renowned mathematician John von Neumann calculated that a human brain can store up to 280 quintillion bits of memory. Do you know how much is this? It's: 280,000,000,000,000,000,000! The brain's speed is estimated to be around 100 to 1,00,000 teraflops. One teraflop is one trillion flops. A flop is standard measure to compute speed. With this type of installed capacity, if some one asks us how much is four times twenty tow, we search for a computer!

Therefore, the problem of lack of performance is not attributable to the brain capacity. With all this information, and some more mind boggling information to follow, I want you to consider the issue of `igniting' the hidden potential of your children.

N C Sridharan



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