[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


17th August 2010

The brain is wider than the sky.
Emily Dickinson

Sometimes when we are angry or upset, we yell at our children `do you have something between your ears? Don't you have a brain?' etc. If only we understand, that not only do we all have a brain, but we have a powerful brain, our thought process will be different. Our confidence on our children will be even higher. After all what is classroom education? Isn't mainly storing and retrieving information?

Our basic belief system is very important to decide what we can expect for any situation. If we believe that we are capable of walking at 7 kms per hour, we will try. If we don't even believe in this, we will not even attempt. This principle is very important in rising our children into intelligent persons. If we do not understand how valuable is a thing, we will not take care of them. If you pay a very high price for the pen you use, you will use the same very carefully.'

We need to believe that our children are endowed with a very high potential. That's why I am giving so much information about the capacity of human beings.

We saw the information processing speed of our brain. Here's some more.

Even though we have more than 100 billion of neurons, we use a very minute part of our brain for something useful. If we learned 1000 facts per hour, 24 hours a day, for the next 100 years, we would have used only 86,60,00,000 neurons. The brain is the only container that the more you put into it, the more it would hold.

Do you recall that I said all of us share the same brain content and that the functioning of the brain is identical to all? The most intelligent child as well as the `dullest' child have the same brain function. If this is so why is that children are different when it comes to classroom performance? What is that difference that makes the difference?

I want to share with you what happened when Albert Einstein died!

Read further…

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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