[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


16th August 2010

`The path to success is to take massive, determined action'

Anthony Robbins

The dictionary meaning of the word `massive' is large and heavy, solid. All of us have goals and ambitions. Most of us also take action. Perhaps we are also determined. But the key issue is: is our effort massive? For big success we have to make massive effort. Our ambition should match our effort level. If there is a gap in our ambition and effort level, we will only be disappointed.

One way to verify this point is to discuss the success strategy with successful people. Watch the interview of successful people on the television. Read the autobiography of successful people. If you know a very successful musician, ask how many hours he is practicing on a daily basis.

If you know a very successful executive, ask him how much he is working. There is another thing you can do. Meet the most successful businessman in your town. He can be the owner of a departmental stores or a restaurant. Ask him how he started and how much he worked.

Determination is another quality we should develop. When we are determined, we are focused. When we are determined, we are disciplined. We have a powerful inner dialogue which makes us to be consistent and steady.

Take a piece of paper and write down a task you've undertaken to do. Example: to improve sales by 50 percent. Then write down the following key questions and answer yourself frankly:

·         Am I taking some action to achieve my task?

·         Am I determined to reach my task?

·         Am I taking massive efforts?

N C Sridharan



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