[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!



26th August 2010

"We don't see things as they are. We see them as we are."

                                                                   -- Anais Nin                                                                  

Interpretation is an important process that is constantly taking place inside us. Our mind is interpreting what we see and experience. We see the world though our mental map of the world. Whether a person is good or bad is not necessarily from what he does and says. We have our own rule book to evaluate whether what he does and says is good from our point of view. We also have our likes and dislikes. We have our prejudices. We bring in our point of view in any situation.

We can explain this phenomenon through the commercial advertisements. We don't buy everything that is advertised, even though we can afford to buy the same. Unless and until we are personally convinced we don't come to any conclusion.  We analyse and evaluate and then only believe what is presented to us.

In fact this skill is so critical for our survival that the human race has survived for billions of years whereas many other species have extinguished long before. We can call it as intellect or wisdom.

But real maturity of mind is where we are able to suspend personal judgment and prejudice after a while and evaluate things impartially. We have to let go our ego at some point of time and look beyond our point of view. This is an important quality of leadership and growth which we have to develop inside us.

N C Sridharan



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