[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


6th August 2010

The Three Step Formula for Success!

Focus plus daily improvement plus time equals genius.

Robin Sharma

I was quite impressed at the mantra for genius stated so simply in the above quotation. We all want to become a genius. We have genius as our role model. Remember the definition of genius by Thomas Alva Edison? `"Genius: one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration."

We are all inspired by an idea, by people, by our goals etc. At the point of getting an idea, all of us equal. But all do not succeed. Those who put their idea to practice alone succeed. Again not everyone put their idea into practice succeed. Only those who refine their ideas on a daily basis succeed. Graham Bell invented the telephone and after him hundreds of companies made telephone instruments. Just compare the shape and features of the first telephone and the telephone that you use today!

Watch the football players or cricket players and how much efforts they put in day in day out to continuously improve their standard of performance. If they stop practicing on a daily basis, they will be out of the team very soon.

We will say that is no time to practice and improve every day. It could be true and I don't want to dispute. All that I have to say is, be ready to face the risk of obsolescence. You will become out of date and be left behind. Remember the law of nature. If there is no improvement, it means that it is deteriorating. There is no via media. Either you grow or die. You cannot exist.

Focus on one thing and spend an appropriate amount of time everyday to improve the same. It could be a skill, knowledge or a game. You will become a genius and role model one day.

Success formula is very simple. We only confuse and complicate the same.

N C Sridharan



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