[Time-Management] Ignitedchild!


9th August 2010

Ignited Child!

Our greatest natural resource is the minds of our children.

Walt Disney

I was thinking how to start this series of newsletter and what should the central theme I want to convey through this series of newsletters. I looked at the word `ignite' in the Oxford Dictionary. The meaning is `set fire to', `catch fire'.  I am sure you have burst a cracker. Where was the sound and the light before you set fire to the same? If you had not set fire to the cracker, what would have happened? Think of an automobile or an air plane which is made as per the latest engineering technology ready to take off. But what if the pilot does not know how to start the engine? Just imagine what will happen if the ignition stops in the middle of the air?

Think about a statue. Where was the statue in the rock? How did the statue come into existence? I remember a story of a rock which was lying by the side of a road. Many people passed by the rock. One a sculptor also passed by, and he decided to make a peacock out of the rock. He started to chisel the rock and in a few days time, people saw a beautiful peacock in the place where there was the rock. They asked the sculptor how he saw a peacock in the rock, since they saw only a rock. The sculptor replied that he did not bring anything new and the peacock was already there in the rock and that he merely removed the portion in the rock which was not a peacock!

Now think about the children. Do you know how much they are capable of performing? Do you know their hidden potential? A child is endowed with whatever is needed to achieve endless results. It's something like a water spring under the earth waiting to be brought out.

I want to share with you the story of the Golden Buddha at Bangkok which is very relevant to the topic of tapping the best from our children.

Read further….

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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