[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


Ignited Child!

27th August 2010

Water is the blood in our veins.

Levi Eshkol, Israeli Prime Minister, 1962

Ever seen a barren land or a non fertile land with withered plants and trees? This is how the brain of a child will look if the brain is not supplied with adequate amount of water. Have you ever felt thirsty? Do you know what it means? It means that the water content of the blood is low. When the water content of the blood drops, the salt level in the blood goes up and this results in blood higher pressure and stress.

In order to appreciate how important is water to the brain, you should know that approximately 80% of the brain is water. Just inform your child about this information and notice how he responds to the idea of drinking water regularly and not only he feels thirsty. Check the school bags of children and notice how much water a child brings to school, leave alone drinking the same.  Lack of water will result in dehydration which will lead to heartburn, stomach ache, chronic pain, low back pain, head ache, mental irritation and depression etc.

A dehydrated brain cannot focus and the attention will wane. Focus, concentration and attention are very critical for learning and education. Our children need the energy to do well and they need a healthy body as well as a healthy brain. while parents take care of a healthy body, many are not well informed on how to nurture a healthy brain.

When feeling thirsty, children are tempted to drink fruit juices, soda or other beverages. But ironically, these drinks are dehydrating fluids will cause further loss of water from the blood stream.

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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