[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


11th August 2010

You are the only problem you will ever have and you are the only solution.

Bob Proctor

Isn't true that you can look for a solution in the problem and not outside the problem? If you think for a while, given the same situation, one finds it a problem and not another. For example, poverty is a problem for many. But Warren Buffet did not think so! Being blind, deaf and dumb is a problem for many. But Helen Keller did not think so. Being a blind person, John Milton did not consider it a problem to become a world renowned poet. Lance Armstrong did not take cancer a problem to win the Tour de France seven times. For John F Kennedy, his age was not a problem to become the youngest President of United States. Obama did not see his race as problem to get elected as the President of United States.

No doubt, if you think for a while, these were problem for any one. But these people found a solution in themselves. They recognized that they had a special situation or difficulty to overcome, but they never thought it was a problem without a solution.

When confronted with a problem, the natural tendency is to look for a solution outside us. This is where extraordinary people differ from ordinary people. They find a solution inside them in the form of self confidence and self empowerment.

Over this weekend, list at least three problems you have and list three solutions that you can generate within you.

N C Sridharan



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