[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


5th Aug 2010

"The difference between perseverance and obstinacy is that one comes from a strong will, and the other from a strong won't."

 Henry Ward Beecher

Our behaviours are not merely external to us. They are the signals sent to the outside world by our mind and underlying each behaviour is a specific attitude. Our mere external behaviour may not mean anything. Even an outplace behaviour may not cause any serious damage to us. But a wrong attitude will have serious consequences on the quality of our life and the relationship we have with others.

When we are driven by our goal, we persevere. The definition of the word `persevere' is to continue in spite of difficulties. We need this attitude and state of mind. Perseverance will give us the stamina to continue our efforts tirelessly. As I type this page Sachin Tendulkar became the first cricketer to have played the maximum number of International test matches. We need the will power to persevere. We need to have an inner dialogue such as `I will succeed', `I will come up in life', I will make it happen' etc.

On the other hand obstinacy is also a state of mind which will make us to stick to our stand relentlessly. The dictionary meaning of the term obstinate is `not easily persuaded, influenced or overcome'. When we are obstinate, we do not want to do a thing. We don't want to talk to someone. We don't want to try a new habit. We don't want to try a new course of action. We when we are obstinate we are driven by an inner dialogue such as `I will not speak to him', `I will not change my mind', `I will not try a new product'.

I am not for the time being debating which is good and which is bad. I merely wanted to impress upon how two different states of mind drives us to the same pattern of behaviour!

Think: when was the last time you were persevering and when was the last time you were obstinate and what was the difference you felt?

N C Sridharan



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