[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


17th Aug 2010

"By thinking and acting affirmatively in this minute, you will influence the hour, the day, and the time, your entire life."

Denis Waitley

In my time management programme I encourage participants to ask the question `what is the best possible use of my right now?' as much number of times as possible in a day. Many times we may be thinking that we are doing what we are supposed to be doing. There is difference between what we should be doing and what we like doing. We may like to while away our time because it is easy.

Many confuse effective time management to mean how you manage your life. But effective time management means how intelligently you manage every minute of your available time. In my time management programme some participants used to regret that they should have attended the programme some ten years ago. But remember nothing is too late and we can start rewriting our history right from now. I would like to end this with what Robin Sharma has to say:

One of the wonderful things about time is the fact that you cannot waste it in advance. No matter how much time you have squandered in the past, the next hour that comes to you will be perfect, unspoiled and ready for you to make the very best use of it. Of you choose, tomorrow can be the day that you start getting up earlier, reading more, exercising, eating well, worrying less and playing at a level called extraordinary. No one is stopping you from opening a blank page and start rewriting the story of your life. This very minute you can decide the way you would like it to unfold, change the central characters and create a new ending. The only question is will you choose to do so?

N C Sridharan



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