[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


Ignited Child!

11th Aug 2010

Parenthood is a partnership with God... you are working with the creator of the universe in shaping human character and determining destiny.

Ruth Vaughn

A couple of months ago I met a parent who is a very senior executive who said that he stood in a queue from 3 am to get an application form for admission of his child into LKG in a popular school! A parent goes through a lot of tension at the kindergarten   level than at the time of college admission.

Many of us think that the responsibility of a parent ends with getting a seat in a good school and after that the school will take care of the education of the child. Nothing can be farther from truth. If the school alone decides the quality of education, then all the children in a good school should do well, and no child from an ordinary school should do well. It's not our experience. If you analyse the life of successful people, they did not study in the best education institution.

A few years ago we attended the intensive programme of Dr. Glenn Doman on enhancing the intelligence of children at The Institutes for the
Achievement of Human Potential at Philadelphia. There we came to know that every child is special and endowed with endless potential, regardless of race, creed, nationality, caste or any social difference. We were stunned how much children can deliver if handled properly. Can you believe that a child can start learning as early as ninety days old? It all depends on how we tap into their potential and bring out the same to the outside world.

How does it happen? What is the role of the school and the parents? What is the DNA of intelligence and are the intelligent children specially blessed?

Read further….

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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