[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


Ignited Child

12th Aug 2010

I looked on child rearing not only as work of love and duty but as a profession that was fully as interesting and challenging as any honorable profession in the world and one that demanded the best I could bring to it.

Rose Kennedy

I was thinking how to explain the role of parenting in a simple way. Take the example of a good mobile phone. If you are happy about the phone, it is because the phone is made by a good company. How does the company make such quality phones? The assembly operators assemble all the parts in a systematic way. They are trained to do so. What if the parts are defective? No matter how good is the company and how efficient are the operators, the phone will not be a quality product. In order that the parts are good, the company devotes a lot of time to educate and develop the vendors so that they come out with a good product. Good companies have an effective vendor development department. The executives of this department continuously train the vendors how to produce a quality component.

This example is also very apt in the context of school, children and parents. Children are like the parts that goes into a mobile phone, the school and the teachers represent the factory and the assembly operators and the parents are like a vendor. Of the parents send correct `parts' to the school, the school can produce wonderful finished product out of the same.

Parents should understand their critical role in the development of their children. They should now that there is no such thing as a good or bad garden. There is only a good or bad gardener. Every parent should know that the best teacher is the mother and the best school is the home!

As long as we believe that our children are all created equally, the only variable in the development of the child is how they are brought up. You and I would have purchased the same brand and model of a computer. If this is true, both the computers should be able to produce the same output, isn't?

Before we try to use the computer, we need to know the potential and the capacity of the computer. The brain of the child is like that of a computer. In fact the power of the brain is even more amazing than that of a computer.

Do you want to know how? Read further…

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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