[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


Ignited Child!

10th Aug 2010

The child shows the man as morning shows the day.

John Milton

In Bangkok there is a Golden Buddha which is nearly ten feet high and weighs about six tons. The Buddha is made of solid gold! The history of the Buddha is very interesting. The history says that there was a statue of Buddha painted with gold in an abandoned temple on the banks of the Chao Phraya river in the early 1930s. The statue was not attractive and was kept under a tin roof for nearly 20 years. Around 1955 a new building was built and the monks decided to house the statue inside it. When the statue was lifted by a crane, a cable broke and the statue fell into the mud and cracked. Next day, the abbot of the temple noticed that the statue was made of pure gold beneath the wet plaster which had been applied over the statue. This golden Buddha was being worshipped some 200 years ago, and the statue was disguised with plaster to guard it against the Burmese aggression and buried inside the ground. The Burmese invaded the land and killed everyone who knew something about the Golden Buddha. The mystery of the Golden Buddha was not known to anyone, until it was discovered by chance when the earth was dug out for constructing a temple. At that time no one thought that inside the outer coating, a Golden Buddha resided. It was not until 1955 when it was discovered that beneath the plaster was a golden Buddha.

Our children are also like that Golden Buddha! Their talents are hidden and we should help them to explore the same.

How to discover the Golden Buddha in your child?

Continue to read….

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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