[Time-Management] Ignited Child!


18th August 2010

 Ignited Child!

We all know that when Albert Einstein was in school, he was very dull and suffered from dyslexia, a form of learning difficulty. He failed in his class performance. He had difficulty in speaking and that people thought he will not speak. His Greek teacher told him `you will not amount to anything'. But at the age of twenty six, something amazing took place in his life when he published his Special Theory of Relativity which had his famous E=mc2! After sixteen years, he won a Nobel Prize to become a world famous person. When he died he had more than one thousand inventions registered in his name!

Everyone wondered how this turnaround took place. When Einstein died in 1955 at Princeton Hospital, Dr. Thomas Harvey, the duty doctor did the autopsy on Einstein's body, and he curious to find out what was in Einstein's brain that made him so popular. He took removed Einstein's brain and kept it in formaldehyde and studied the brain slice by slice, examining the content of the brain to discover that factor which was different from anyone else' brain. This experiment continued for the next forty years. At the end of the research, he did not find anything special in Einstein's brain!

After Dr. Thomas Harvey, one of his associates by name Marian Diamond, a neuroanatomist at the University of California, continued the search. In early 1980's Marian Diamond announced to the world an amazing thing about what she found in Einstein's brain which was unique and accounted for his superior genius!

Do you want to know what that was?

Read further….

N C Sridharan and Radha Sridharan



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