[Time-Management] Arise, awake and take charge!


30th August 2010

There's nothing more dangerous than a resourceful idiot.
Scott Adams

You would have come across the words `resource' and `resourcefulness'. They start with the same letters but end differently! The dictionary meaning of the word `resource' is `something to which one can turn for help'. The meaning of the word `resourceful' is clever at finding ways of doing things'.  The dictionary meaning of the word `idiot' is a stupid person. The dictionary meaning of the word `stupid' is `not clever, slow at learning or understanding'.  

Now read the above paragraph a couple of times and you will know the `secret' formula for failure!

We may have all the resources such as time, people, money, material, method, technology etc. But if we are not resourceful, then we are a `resourceful idiot'! We need to be alive to opportunities and we need to know what resources we already have and what other resources we need to procure to reach our goal. This state of mind can be called `resourceful'. A resourceful person is clever and he knows how to get things done. He knows how to use the resources he has effectively.

Take the most important resource `time'. We may have all the time and the knowledge. But what is the use if we are not alert and resourceful?

Over this weekend ponder over the following questions:

·         What is my most important goal for the next six months?

·         Do I have all the resources I need to reach my goal?

·         Am I a resourceful person clever enough to use the resources at my disposal?

The answer to the above questions will decide your idiocy index!

N C Sridharan



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